Mon - Sat : 8:00am - 8:00pm
Sun - 11:00am - 2:00pm

Advance Diploma in Web Designing and Development – ADWD

Table of Contents

(Duration: 5 Months)

Technosmart Certified Diploma in Web Designing and Development is focused on training our students to develop a website using the latest development tools and practices, gain experience in developing websites with HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, PHP and more.

Our expert trainers will guide and help the students to learn to work with these tools and also empower them to carry out application building, functionality testing and hosting of the website.

  • PHP Web Developer
  • Web Designer
  • WEB Application Developer
  • UX Designer
  • Front End-Web Developer
  • Getting Started & Interface Layout
  • Palettes & Toolbox
  • Selection Tools & Alteration Tools
  • Drawing & Selection Tools
  • Assisting Tools & Color Boxes and Modes
  • Basic Image Editing
  • Cropping, Resizing, Correcting & Saving
  • Selection Tools
  • Magic wand & drawing with path Primitives
  • Drawing with the pen tool & Drawing in illustrator
  • Type Tools, Appearance & fill
  • Grouping Objects
  • Applying Attributes to a Group & Layers , Art Boards
  • Transforming and Positioning Art
  • Working with images
  • Working Efficiently with Symbols
  • Working with Masks, Printing, Saving, and Exporting
  • History & Fundamental HTML
  • Marking up body text
  • Working With Images & Links
  • Creating lists & Tables
  • HTML5 Forms Audio and Video
  • Embed fonts in a web page
  • HTML5 Graphics
  • HTML5 Canvas/SVG
  • HTML5 Forms
  • HTML5 Basic APIs
  • Overview of CSS
  • Background & Color in CSS
  • Working With text In CSS
  • Working With Box Model in CSS
  • Element In CSS
  • Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Programming with JavaScript
  • Structuring Data
  • Working With Browser Object Model
  • Working With Document Object Model
  • Working With Form
  • Loading and Using J Query
  • Using J Query Library File
  • Call-back Functions
  • J Query Selectors
  • J Query Method
  • J Query Manipulation
  • J Query Events
  • J Query Effects
  • Overview of Bootstrap
  • Classes In bootstrap
  • Working With Navbars
  • Working With Model
  • Bootstrap Cards
  • Bootstrap Forms
  • Bootstrap button
  • Bootstrap grid
  • Bootstrap Text/Typography
  • Bootstrap Progress bar
  • Introduction to Blogging
  • First Steps With WordPress
  • WordPress Semantics-Learning the Jargon
  • New To WordPress Design
  • Using Images
  • Wrapping Text
  • Comments In Word Press
  • Post Formats
  • Linking to Posts, Pages & Categories
  • Using Smiles
  • Links Manager
  • WordPress Feeds
  • Customizing Feeds
  • Using Grava tars in Word Press
  • Writing Code In Word Press
  • Password Protection
  • Introduction to PHP
  • Installing & Configuring PHP
  • Get & POST Method In PHP
  • Session In PHP
  • Working with Loops
  • Working with Control Statements
  • Operation & Expressions
  • Array with PHP
  • Using String in PHP
  • PHP Function
  • State Management
  • Form Handling
  • File Handling in PHP
  • Creating Web Features
  • Object- Oriented Programming
  • Error & Exception handling
  • Creating Security Using PHP
  • Regular expression
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Web Services in PHP
  • PHP & AJAX
  • PHP Frame Work(Larval & Code Igniter)
  • Introduction to DBMS
  • Database Integration -MySQL
  • Shell Commands
  • Dates
  • Cookies
  • Session Management
  • Exception Handling
  • Getting started with Angular6
  • Components
  • Data Binding
  • Directives
  • Pipes
  • Services
  • Forms
  • Streams and Reactive Programming
  • Http Client
  • Routing
  • Node.js overview
  • Node.js – basics and setup
  • Node.js console
  • Node.js command utilities
  • Node.js modules
  • Node.js concepts
  • Node.js events
  • Node.js with Express.js
  • Introduction to On-page SEO & Off-page SEO
  • Introduction to Technical SEO
  • Keyword Theory & Research
  • Getting Started with On-page SEO
  • Website Hosting Basics
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Web hosting purchase
  • Configuring DNS
  • Website upload and stabilization
  • Introduction to Google Analytics
  • Analyzing Google Analytics Reports
  • Understanding Dashboard, Bounce Rate
  • Traffic Source, Traffic Behaviour
  • Communication Skills
  • Business Etiquette
  • Resume Writing
  • Interview Skill
  • PHP Web Developer
  • Web Designer
  • WEB Application Developer
  • UX Designer
  • Front End- Web Developer
  • Design and Layout Analyst

Table of Contents

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